Script: Class dw.svc.Service
Class Service
- Object
- dw.svc.Service
Base class of Services.
A service represents a call-specific configuration. Any configuration set here is local to the currently executing call.
All Known Subclasses
FTPService, HTTPFormService, HTTPService, SOAPService
See Also:
configuration : ServiceConfig Read Only
The Service Configuration.
credentialID : String
The ID of the currently associated Credential.
mock : boolean
The status of whether this service is executing in mock mode.
requestData : Object Read Only
The property that stores the object returned by createRequest.
response : Object Read Only
The property that stores the object returned by the service.
This property is only useful after the service call(Object...) completes, and is the same as the object inside the Result.
throwOnError : boolean
The status of whether this service will throw an error when encountering a problem.
URL : String
The current URL, excluding any custom query parameters.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly. To get an instance of this class, use one of the subclass constructors.
Method Summary
call(args : Object...) : Result
Invokes the service.
getConfiguration() : ServiceConfig
Returns the Service Configuration.
Returns the ID of the currently associated Credential.
getRequestData() : Object
Returns the property that stores the object returned by createRequest.
getResponse() : Object
Returns the property that stores the object returned by the service.
Returns the current URL, excluding any custom query parameters.
isMock() : boolean
Returns the status of whether this service is executing in mock mode.
isThrowOnError() : boolean
Returns the status of whether this service will throw an error when encountering a problem.
setCredentialID(id : String) : Service
Override the Credential by the credential object with the given ID.
Forces the mock mode to be enabled.
Forces a Service to throw an error when there is a problem instead of returning a Result with non-OK status.
setURL(url : String) : Service
Override the URL to the given value.
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
call(args : Object...) : Result
Invokes the service.
args - Arguments to pass. If there is a single argument and that argument is an array, then each item in the array will become a separate argument. For example, the following results in three separate arguments to the service: [1,2,3] )
and is functionally equivalent to 1, 2, 3 )
This can be avoided by explicitly forming a List, enclosing the array in another array, or by sending a second argument. The following will all send the array as a List in the first argument. ArrayList([1,2,3]) ) [[1,2,3]] ) [1,2,3], "" )
Another option is to change the definition of the associated ServiceCallback.createRequest(Service, Object...) to accept an object instead, and pass the array as a field of that object: { 'data': [1,2,3] } )
Result of the service.
getConfiguration() : ServiceConfig
Returns the Service Configuration.
Service Configuration.
getCredentialID() : String
Returns the ID of the currently associated Credential.
Credential Name.
getRequestData() : Object
Returns the property that stores the object returned by createRequest.
Object returned by createRequest.
getResponse() : Object
Returns the property that stores the object returned by the service.
This property is only useful after the service call(Object...) completes, and is the same as the object inside the Result.
Object returned by the service.
getURL() : String
Returns the current URL, excluding any custom query parameters.
isMock() : boolean
Returns the status of whether this service is executing in mock mode.
true for mock mode, false otherwise.
isThrowOnError() : boolean
Returns the status of whether this service will throw an error when encountering a problem.
true to throw an error, false otherwise.
setCredentialID(id : String) : Service
Override the Credential by the credential object with the given ID.
If the URL is also overridden, that URL will continue to override the URL in this credential.
id - Credential ID. It must exist.
this Service.
setMock() : Service
Forces the mock mode to be enabled.
this Service.
setThrowOnError() : Service
Forces a Service to throw an error when there is a problem instead of returning a Result with non-OK status.
this Service.
setURL(url : String) : Service
Override the URL to the given value. Any query parameters (if applicable) will be appended to this URL.
url - Force the URL to the given value.
this Service.