Script: Class dw.order.BonusDiscountLineItem
Class BonusDiscountLineItem
- Object
- dw.object.PersistentObject
- dw.object.ExtensibleObject
- dw.order.BonusDiscountLineItem
- dw.object.ExtensibleObject
- dw.object.PersistentObject
Line item representing an applied BonusChoiceDiscount in a LineItemCtnr. This type of line item can only be created by the B2C Commerce promotions engine when applying a BonusChoiceDiscount. A BonusDiscountLineItem is basically a placeholder in the cart which entitles a customer to add one or more bonus products to his basket from a configured list of products. Merchants typically display this type of line item in the cart by showing the corresponding promotion callout message. They typically provide links to the bonus products that the customer can choose from. This line item can be removed from the cart but will be re-added each time the promotions engine re-applies discounts. Merchants may however add custom logic to show/hide this line item since it just a placeholder and not an actual product line item.
The number of products that a customer is allowed to choose from is determined by getMaxBonusItems(). The collection of products the customer can choose from is determined by getBonusProducts(). When a customer chooses a bonus product in the storefront, it is necessary to use the AddBonusProductToBasket
pipelet instead of the usual AddProductToBasket
pipelet, in order to associate this BonusDiscountLineItem with the newly created bonus ProductLineItem. Alternatively, the API method LineItemCtnr.createBonusProductLineItem(BonusDiscountLineItem, Product, ProductOptionModel, Shipment) can be used instead. The system does proper validations in order to prevent incorrect or too many bonus products from being associated with this BonusDiscountLineItem. Once a customer has selected bonus products, the product line items representing the chosen bonus products can be retrieved with getBonusProductLineItems().
See Also:
bonusChoiceRuleBased : boolean Read Only
Returns whether the promotion that triggered the creation of this line item uses a rule to determine the list of bonus products.
If the promotion is rule based, then a ProductSearchModel should be used to return the bonus products the customer may choose from, as the methods that return lists will return nothing. See getBonusProducts()
bonusProductLineItems : List Read Only
Get the product line items in the current LineItemCtnr representing the bonus products that the customer has selected for this discount.
bonusProducts : List Read Only
Get the list of bonus products which the customer is allowed to choose from for this discount. This list is configured by a merchant entering a list of SKUs for the discount. Products which do not exist in the system, or are offline, or are not assigned to a category in the site catalog are filtered out. Unavailable (i.e. out-of-stock) products are NOT filtered out. This allows merchants to display out-of-stock bonus products with appropriate messaging.
If the promotion which triggered this discount does not exist, or this promotion is rule based, then this method returns an empty list.
If the promotion is rule based, then this method will return an empty list. A ProductSearchModel should be used to return the bonus products the customer may choose from instead. See ProductSearchModel.PROMOTION_PRODUCT_TYPE_BONUS and ProductSearchModel.setPromotionID(String)
If a returned product is a master product, the customer is entitled to choose from any variant. If the product is an option product, the customer is entitled to choose any value for each option. Since the promotions engine does not touch the value of the product option line items, it is the responsibility of custom code to set option prices.
couponLineItem : CouponLineItem Read Only
Get the coupon line item associated with this discount.
maxBonusItems : Number Read Only
Get the maximum number of bonus items that the customer is permitted to select for this bonus discount.
If the promotion which triggered this discount does not exist, then this method returns 0.
promotion : Promotion Read Only
Get the promotion associated with this discount.
promotionID : String Read Only
Get the promotion ID associated with this discount.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getBonusProductLineItems() : List
Get the product line items in the current LineItemCtnr representing the bonus products that the customer has selected for this discount.
getBonusProductPrice(product : Product) : Money
Get the effective price for the passed bonus product.
getBonusProducts() : List
Get the list of bonus products which the customer is allowed to choose from for this discount.
getCouponLineItem() : CouponLineItem
Get the coupon line item associated with this discount.
Get the maximum number of bonus items that the customer is permitted to select for this bonus discount.
Get the promotion associated with this discount.
getPromotionID() : String
Get the promotion ID associated with this discount.
isBonusChoiceRuleBased() : boolean
Returns whether the promotion that triggered the creation of this line item uses a rule to determine the list of bonus products.
Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
getCreationDate, getLastModified, getUUID
Methods inherited from class Object
assign, create, create, defineProperties, defineProperty, entries, freeze, fromEntries, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertySymbols, getPrototypeOf, hasOwnProperty, is, isExtensible, isFrozen, isPrototypeOf, isSealed, keys, preventExtensions, propertyIsEnumerable, seal, setPrototypeOf, toLocaleString, toString, valueOf, values
Method Detail
getBonusProductLineItems() : List
Get the product line items in the current LineItemCtnr representing the bonus products that the customer has selected for this discount.
The selected product line items, never null.
See Also:
getBonusProductPrice(product : Product) : Money
Get the effective price for the passed bonus product. This is expected to be one of the products returned by getBonusProducts() with one exception: If a master product is configured as a bonus product, this implies that a customer may choose from any of its variants. In this case, it is allowed to pass in a variant to this method and a price will be returned. If the passed product is not a valid bonus product, this method throws an exception.
product - The bonus product to retrieve a price for, must not be null.
The price of the passed bonus product as a Number.
getBonusProducts() : List
Get the list of bonus products which the customer is allowed to choose from for this discount. This list is configured by a merchant entering a list of SKUs for the discount. Products which do not exist in the system, or are offline, or are not assigned to a category in the site catalog are filtered out. Unavailable (i.e. out-of-stock) products are NOT filtered out. This allows merchants to display out-of-stock bonus products with appropriate messaging.
If the promotion which triggered this discount does not exist, or this promotion is rule based, then this method returns an empty list.
If the promotion is rule based, then this method will return an empty list. A ProductSearchModel should be used to return the bonus products the customer may choose from instead. See ProductSearchModel.PROMOTION_PRODUCT_TYPE_BONUS and ProductSearchModel.setPromotionID(String)
If a returned product is a master product, the customer is entitled to choose from any variant. If the product is an option product, the customer is entitled to choose any value for each option. Since the promotions engine does not touch the value of the product option line items, it is the responsibility of custom code to set option prices.
An ordered list of bonus products that the customer may choose from for this discount.
getCouponLineItem() : CouponLineItem
Get the coupon line item associated with this discount.
The coupon line item associated with this discount, or null if it no longer exists or there is no one.
getMaxBonusItems() : Number
Get the maximum number of bonus items that the customer is permitted to select for this bonus discount.
If the promotion which triggered this discount does not exist, then this method returns 0.
The maximum number of bonus items that the customer is permitted to select for this bonus discount, or 0 if the promotion no longer exists.
getPromotion() : Promotion
Get the promotion associated with this discount.
The promotion associated with this discount, or null if it no longer exists.
getPromotionID() : String
Get the promotion ID associated with this discount.
The promotion ID associated with this discount, never null.
isBonusChoiceRuleBased() : boolean
Returns whether the promotion that triggered the creation of this line item uses a rule to determine the list of bonus products.
If the promotion is rule based, then a ProductSearchModel should be used to return the bonus products the customer may choose from, as the methods that return lists will return nothing. See getBonusProducts()
If the promotion no longer exists, then null, otherwise, true if the promotion that triggered the creation of this line item uses a rule to determine the bonus products to choose from.